Today, as we celebrate World Oceans Day, we officially launch our project "Raiz Azul" meaning the 'Blue Root' as translated from the caboverdean language. Cabo Verde is 99% of water, our land was born from the ocean, our skin is engraved with salt crystals, sea breeze plays in our hair. The project aims to strengthen the resilience of coastal and marine socio-ecological system 'Raiz Azul" of Santiago island and Cabo Verde.
The project is funded by the Darwin Initiative (UK) and implemented by the Universidade de Cabo Verde - UniCV in partnership with the Associação Cabo-verdiana de Ecoturismo ECOCV and many national and international collaborators.
Marginalization of rural communities leads to difficulties in exploring new income opportunities. This prevents the adoption of sustainable practices in response to threats to local ecosystems.
This project will engage vulnerable community members to monitor the health of marine and coastal ecosystems, set up the first Marine Protected Area in Santiago island, introduce the first
sustainable waste management system and establish an eco-network lead by local women in four coastal villages to support livelihoods through eco-tourism in Cabo Verde.