New stage of plastic recycling in Santiago Island

The Ecocenter of São Francisco, Santiago, Cabo Verde starts a new stage of plastic recycling.

We thank everybody who joined us on this special day which is the result of 5 years of hard work. With an acquisition of a new machine ‘Precious Plastic Sheetpress’ we will considerably upscale the recycling process by transforming plastic waste into artistic and durable products: chairs, tables and wherever imagination will lead us. 

Special thanks to CFLI for supporting our path towards more sustainbility in São Francisco, Praia, Santiago and Cabo Verde. #Cavibel and #Pilorinhu for the support in transporting the sheetpress; everyone who separates and delivers plastic for recycling to the Ecocenter, everyone who buys our products, at the same time contributing 10% to the Community Fund that supports São Francisco community.

We invite everybody to visit the Ecocenter, lear how plastic waste is recycled and transformed. And most importnatly- let's join circular economy and use these amazing products made from recycled materials.


#ECOCV #Ekonatura #ADSF #CFLI #UnipiagetCV #EcocentroSaoFrancisco #ReciclagemCaboVerde #ReciclagemSantiago #reciclagemplastico #economiacircularCaboVerde #Cavibel #AguaTrindade